List of Publications

Molecular food chemistry and food development

Showing results 101 - 110 out of 132


Dose, J., Matsugo, S., Yokokawa, H., Koshida, Y., Okazaki, S., Seidel, U., Eggersdorfer, M., Rimbach, G., & Esatbeyoglu, T. (2016). Free radical scavenging and cellular antioxidant properties of astaxanthin. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17(1), Article 103.
Esatbeyoglu, T. (2016, Jul 5). Analytik, radikalfangende Eigenschaften und genregulatorische Aktivität von Farbstoffen und sekundären Pflanzenstoffen aus Wurzeln.
Esatbeyoglu, T., Ewald, P., Yasui, Y., Yokokawa, H., Wagner, A. E., Matsugo, S., Winterhalter, P., & Rimbach, G. (2016). Chemical characterization, free radical scavenging, and cellular antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of a stilbenoid-rich root extract of vitis vinifera. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016, Article 8591286.
Esatbeyoglu, T., Rodríguez-Werner, M., Schlösser, A., Liehr, M., Ipharraguerre, I., Winterhalter, P., & Rimbach, G. (2016). Fractionation of plant bioactives from black carrots (Daucus carota subspecies sativus varietas atrorubens Alef.) by adsorptive membrane chromatography and analysis of their potential anti-diabetic activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64(29), 5901-5908.
Esatbeyoglu, T., Ehmer, A., Chaize, D., & Rimbach, G. (2016). Quantitative determination of spermidine in 50 German cheese samples on a core-shell column by high-performance liquid chromatography with a photodiode array detector using a fully validated method. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64(10), 2105-2111.


Esatbeyoglu, T., Wagner, A. E., Schini-Kerth, V. B., & Rimbach, G. (2015). Betanin-A food colorant with biological activity. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 59(1), 36-47.
Esatbeyoglu, T., Wray, V., & Winterhalter, P. (2015). Isolation of dimeric, trimeric, tetrameric and pentameric procyanidins from unroasted cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao L.) using countercurrent chromatography. Food Chemistry, 179, 278-289.
Esatbeyoglu, T., Ulbrich, K., Rehberg, C., Rohn, S., & Rimbach, G. (2015). Thermal stability, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin and its degradation product 4-vinyl guaiacol. Food and Function, 6(3), 887-893.
Schloesser, A., Esatbeyoglu, T., Piegholdt, S., Dose, J., Ikuta, N., Okamoto, H., Ishida, Y., Terao, K., Matsugo, S., & Rimbach, G. (2015). Dietary Tocotrienol/γ-Cyclodextrin Complex Increases Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and ATP Concentrations in the Brains of Aged Mice. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2015, Article 789710.
Wagner, A. E., Sturm, C., Piegholdt, S., Wolf, I. M. A., Esatbeyoglu, T., De Nicola, G. R., Iori, R., & Rimbach, G. (2015). Myrosinase-treated glucoerucin is a potent inducer of the Nrf2 target gene heme oxygenase 1 - studies in cultured HT-29 cells and mice. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 26(6), 661-666.