
Molekulare Lebensmittelchemie und -entwicklung

Zeige Ergebnisse 141 - 150 von 150


Bayram, B., Esatbeyoglu, T., Schulze, N., Ozcelik, B., Frank, J., & Rimbach, G. (2012). Comprehensive analysis of polyphenols in 55 extra virgin olive oils by HPLC-ECD and their correlation with antioxidant activities. Plant foods for human nutrition.
Esatbeyoglu, T., Huebbe, P., Ernst, I. M. A., Chin, D., Wagner, A. E., & Rimbach, G. (2012). Curcumin-from molecule to biological function. Angewandte Chemie .,
Weinert, C. H., Wiese, S., Rawel, H. M., Esatbeyoglu, T., Winterhalter, P., Homann, T., & Kulling, S. E. (2012). Methylation of catechins and procyanidins by rat and human catechol-o-methyltransferase: Metabolite profiling and molecular modeling studies. Drug metabolism and disposition.


Esatbeyoglu, T. (2011). Analyse wertgebender Inhaltsstoffe von Aronia melanocarpa sowie Charakterisierung und Isolierung von Proanthocyanidinen.
Esatbeyoglu, T., Jaschok-Kentner, B., Wray, V., & Winterhalter, P. (2011). Structure elucidation of procyanidin oligomers by low-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.


Esatbeyoglu, T., Hillebrand, S., & Winterhalter, P. (2010). Analysis of phenolic substances in chokeberry juices (Aronia melanocarpa),Analytik von phenolischen Inhaltsstoffen in Aroniasäften (Aronia melanocarpa). Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau.
Esatbeyoglu, T., Wray, V., & Winterhalter, P. (2010). Dimeric procyanidins: screening for B1 to B8 and semisynthetic preparation of B3, B4, B6, And B8 from a polymeric procyanidin fraction of white willow bark (Salix alba). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Esatbeyoglu, T., & Winterhalter, P. (2010). Preparation of dimeric procyanidins B1, B2, B5, and B7 from a polymeric procyanidin fraction of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Wiese, S., Esatbeyoglu, T., Winterhalter, P., & Kulling, S. E. (2010). Safety Assessment of Botanicals and Botanical Preparations Used as Ingredients in Food Supplements: Testing an European Food Safety Authority-Tiered Approach Effect of Different Catechins on the Growth of HT-29 Cells.
Winterhalter, P., Esatbeyoglu, T., & Wilkens, A. (2010). Preparative isolation of bioactive constituents from berries. In Flavor and Health Benefits of Small Fruits